Interface #

Set interface mode:

Settings #

Timestamp Format

Performance Mode

Status #


Version: 1062


1 tags
applied to make content more findable

0 authors
shared their names or public keys

0 threads
items with replies

149 images

149 items
new public items on site

0 links
links to pages and sites

0 notarized
time was recorded into server's chain log

149 composting
pieces of content available for moderation

0 archived

150 files
found under /html/txt (click to download)

version: 4a5b0e23

Frontend #
setting value
- -
Backend #
setting value
- -
Temperament #

This changes the weight of the given tags.
The radio buttons for each are 1, 10, and 11.
This feature can be safely ignored.

Writing #

Operator #
Please, use operator controls with care!
Operator Controls

Save snapshot file with configuration:

Reset templates and rebuild site:

Check for un-indexed files:

If something you expect does not appear, try this button:

Use Flush to make space for new content:

To activate, check box, then press button.
This helps prevent accidental activation.

Content Filter
(This doesn't do anything at the moment.)

Welcome ; Threads ; Write ; Settings ; Authors ; Tags(1) ; Help
Welcome Expand; Minimal; Reprint;